Friday, 25 September 2009

Party like a Pirate!

Ahoy Pirate Crew fer the Ship Movida!

What a party we had, me mateys! Me First Mates Pirates Melissa and Megan and I, Cap'n Telana, thank ya heartily fer drinkin' and dancin' fer charity with us! You're mighty fine Pirates, you are, arrrr!

I counted the loot in me treasure chest, and we raised R6958.20 fer the Bookshelf Project, so 'em sprogs will be getting new bookshelves and books to fill 'em up and keep their imaginations alive! Aye!!

A "Aye Aye Hooray" to the winners of 'em prizes:

Best Dressed Pirates: Jody and Liesle

Best Dressed Pirates!

Best Pirate Pick up Line: Kim

Kim and Mandy

Best Talking like a Pirate buccaneer: Dayne

Dayne and Tash

We'd also like t' thank Carol fer designing t' inv'tation and prize labels, and Movida fer being our Party Ship!

The photo's of you rapscallions have set sail on facebook and flickr- so go tag y'rselves silly! Garr!

Till our next Party Ship sets sail,
Fair winds!

Cap'n Tyrannical Telana

Fer the Jozi7degrees Crew

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